Off the Cuff with Kel - Conversations from the Frontline

We confront a disturbing reality: the exploitation of children on Social Media. Collective Shout has tirelessly exposed how predators are drawn to underage accounts, and alarmingly, social media platforms recommend these accounts to others. 

More troubling, some parents are complicit, pushing their children into the limelight as kidfluencers, unwittingly or deliberately exposing them to these dangers and sexploitation.

Why are social media companies allowed to engage in practices that would be unacceptable elsewhere? What is the impact on the children who are exploited?

Lyn Swanson Kennedy from Collective Shout, a leading voice in the fight against this exploitation joins our host Kelly Humphries in a delve into the dark side of social media fame and the urgent need for stricter regulations to protect our children. Join us!

What is Off the Cuff with Kel - Conversations from the Frontline?

Off the Cuff with Kel- Conversations from the Frontline, a podcast and live show for survivors and those who support them.

Off the Cuff with Kel will inspire you, move you and empower you no matter who you are.

The show will be diverse and inclusive, targeting areas of growth and leadership through trauma, help and healing, prevention and protection, stories of courage and survival, and a deep look at what it means to be a survivor.

Join your host Kelly Humphries, a survivor of child sexual abuse, author, speaker, ambassador, and coach to shine a light of some off the toughest topics and bring it to you the most raw and authentic way, completely “Off the Cuff."

There will be special guests from across all demographics, with the heart to break cycles, and empower a generation of people who will have a greater understanding of trauma and how they can make a difference to those who need it most. This also includes victim survivors who will find help, hope, healing and understanding.

Welcome to Off the Cuff with Kel, Conversations from the Frontline!

Produced by Media8.