Woman Leadership With Janet Quek

Welcome to Woman Leadership show. I'm Janet and in this episode, I will be sharing with you in leading and inspire others. 

When I was in my teens, I used to have acne and so my late mum would ask me to eat healthily such as having carrot, apple and orange juice every morning , avoid fried foods, spicy foods. However, instead of acne disappearing, I lost weight. That’s how I stayed slim during my teens ensuring I have healthy and avoid over eating. 

After birth, I would have good confinement, follow the rules no fan, windows closed but aircon in son, drink tonics and ensure I recovered well. It was all worth it as I lost weight due to eating well and provide enough nutrients to my children so they have stronger immunity. If do not take care when younger especially after birth, the body pain and problems will appear later when older. I have seen how it manifest for my late mum and so I will take specially care in looking after myself so not to burden my children and hubby that they will suffer taking care of me and with the high medical bills. 

One way that I learnt is drinking warm water helps to detox the body after a night of sleep first thing in the morning before brushing teeth and before sleep. Initially I will forget but once it becomes a habit and I make an effort to remind myself to do it, it become a habit now that I do it. 

I love massages, cupping and reflexology. Cranialtherepy and Feldenkrais therepies have also helped my late mum in her recovery and having better sleep and mobility. I used to go spa but now I have my regular contacts who can do good job and it helps me to relax my body and repair the body. I love to use essential oils for myself and my family as it helps to relax or to stay focus at work and school. 

It is never too late to start caring for our health, it is never too late to start even we may regret doing it before. 

By taking care of ourselves, we are showing our care for family members and loved ones so they will have less burden to work and care for us and worry about the cost of the high medical bills. Taking responsibility for our own health is also being accountable for our loved ones if we care for them and well-being .

I have responsibility to remind family members and set example for them to follow the healthy lifestyle and habit of healthy eating. If they get ill or sick we are the ones who have to care and responsible for them too. 

I hope that through my sharing, it draws inspiration and personal reflection for you. I believe every woman can be a leader in your own way. I look forward to seeing you in my next episode where I will be sharing with you tips and ways to realize your full potential as a leader on Woman Leadership. 

What is Woman Leadership With Janet Quek?

This is the Woman Leadership show.

Hi, I'm Janet Quek . For the past 20 years, I have been helping individuals to realise their leadership potential.

In recent years, I have trained, coached and engaged leaders across the Asia Pacific Region to build high-performance teams and improve individual engagement and motivation.

In this podcast, I will share tips and ways to realise your full potential and be a leader in your own way.

Join me on this journey to discover them.