The Mas LaRae Show

This week Alysha L. Ellis is LIVE from the Cleveland International Film Fest featuring film directors, producers, writers and more. 

Check out this sit down with the creative minds before two films  Luz Orlando Brennan,  Director of "The Star I Lost" and Fernanda Faya, Director of "Neirud" as we discuss the importance of family legacy, storytelling, inspiration, and passion. In this episode, we also share personal experiences about working with others, the power truth, and all things film.

"The Star I lost" Norma (legendary Argentinian actress Mirta Busnelli) would never be accused of being a great mother, frequently choosing her stage career over anything else. But now that her grown daughter is about to fly the coop, maybe it’s not too late for Norma to balance art with family.

" Neirud"Spurred by her aunt’s death, documentarian Fernanda Faya uncovers the truth behind her aunt Neirud’s career as a mid-century circus performer and woman wrestler (known under the vile moniker “the Gorilla Woman”), Brazil’s secret feminist history, and why Faya’s family kept it under wraps for so long. 

#film #director #actor #diversity  #latinos #ideas #podcast #podcastshow #media #storytelling #share #connect #inspire #screenwriting #production

What is The Mas LaRae Show?

Bringing More Light Everywhere, Heart 2 Heart! Capturing real life content focused on entrepreneurship, social impact, lifestyle, and culture. Our unique flavor is simple, bringing more light everywhere! Through transformational stories, transparent dialogue, and genuine support we aim to share, connect, and inspire.