Victoria Anarchist Bookfair: The Podcast

Queen Sacheen is co-founder of Ancestral Pride, with whom she has produced many zines. She has spent a great deal of time advising Settler-anarchists on how to be in solidarity with Indigenous resistance movements. She is a warrior who has taken part in many actions, including Standing Rock. Finally, Sacheen is a proud mother, Matriarch, dula and medicine woman.

Find Queen Sacheen (Nuu-chah-nulth & Coast Salish) on Facebook by searching for Sacheen Kinish, or Ancestral Pride and/or Xhopakelxhits Apothocary. Please support via e-transfer and PayPal to:

What is Victoria Anarchist Bookfair: The Podcast?

Originally introduced in the summer of 2020, this podcast was produced as an alternative to the annual Anarchist Bookfair, which was not able to be held as a consequence of COVID-19's widespread curtailing of activities and gatherings. In this podcast, members of the Collective would interview speakers in various fields such emancipatory and anarchist politics including gender and intersectionality, indigenous resurgence and activism, anti-racism, environment, anarchist history, etc.