The ((Yoga)) of Yoga™ Podcast

In order to ((Understand)) the magnitude of what this change in perspective about Yoga means... allow me to introduce myself, my journey, and how the ((Yoga)) of yoga came to be.

Show Notes

Learn about my journey of discovering ((Yoga)), and how my path led to having to face a much deeper understanding of ((Yoga)) than what are the standard ways of teaching/practicing it.  Understand how ((Yoga)) is precisely the ((Science)) that calls us to leave the "mechanized mind" and the physical practices that stem from that way of thinking.  "Yoga" as we have come to know it in our culture is unwittingly downloading ((Yoga)) into precisely what it was meant to ((Liberate)) us from. 

What is The ((Yoga)) of Yoga™ Podcast ?

Answering the ((Call)) of ((Yoga)) means we have to get ((Humble)) to ((Yoga)). Sure, it can be presented as a stretching and breathing exercise that's good for your health... but what if this way of practicing "yoga" is actually blocking us from ((accessing)) the ((True Power)) of ((Yoga))? Join Näthan Gangadean as he takes you into the ((Evolving Practice)) you may not have known is the Original ((Call)) of ((Yoga))!