
This week, Oscar and Kenny sit down with PixelFLEX VP of Sales Jon Lewis to discuss Christian rock, the value of consultative sales in creative industries, and the necessary work of self-discovery. Jon recounts his halcyon days spent touring cross-country, the five stages of grief post-band breakup, and how hawking his band’s CD to strangers translated to his current career in consultative sales as PixelFlex’s VP of Sales.

What is Tourmageddon?

Tourmageddon centers on unveiling the authentic narratives from professionals within the production landscape. This includes those who are at the heart of the industry - production managers, lighting designers, project managers, and more. Our guests share their hard-earned "war stories" from the frontlines of production, providing an unfiltered glimpse into the triumphs and trials of the industry.

This podcast isn't just about tales from the trenches; it's a forum for mentorship. Our guests impart practical advice and insightful tips, aiding our listeners in navigating their own careers in the world of production. Through these shared experiences, we aim to enlighten, inspire, and equip our audience with the knowledge they need to succeed.