Warhorn Blog Posts

Moses wasn't anyone's hero until after he died. Same with the Apostle Paul. You should doubt yourself and all the others who share with you your certain preference for heroes. Democracy might be the best method of government, but if so, it's certainly not because the people are always right.

It's the masses who make heroes, and right now the masses of Christians are vomiting our great men, doing so on the pages of the New York Times. Take a lesson.

The church has never needed heroes. She just needs humble, smelly shepherds who take it personally when wolves come after their sheep. Not because it's their flock, but because those sheep were bought with the precious blood of God's Own Lamb.

Show Notes

Intro and outro music is Rise Up, O Lord, a recording of Psalm 10 by My Soul Among Lions. The rest of MSAL's recorded Psalms can be listened to, here.

What is Warhorn Blog Posts?

Audio versions of the blog posts on Warhorn, usually read by the author. If you like these, don't miss the Out of Our Minds Podcast featuring Nathan Alberson and pastors Tim Bayly and Jake Mentzel in biweekly (fornightly) conversations about current events and the Church.