Not Your Mother's Goose

We'll get the ins and outs of Alice and Wonderland by checking out Alice's, uh, "Wikipedia" page, learn that the Bremen Town Musicians were actually and animal-based Neighborhood Watch that didn't make it to Bremen (who knew?), and snooze with Rip Van Winkle. Real Disney blogger Herb from "World of Walt" makes a guest appearance with some definitely not real Disney news, and NBC reboots The Golden Girls in the world of fairy tales.

Show Notes

We'll get the ins and outs of Alice and Wonderland by checking out Alice's, uh, "Wikipedia" page, learn that the Bremen Town Musicians were actually and animal-based Neighborhood Watch that didn't make it to Bremen (who knew?), and snooze with Rip Van Winkle. Real Disney blogger Herb from "World of Walt" makes a guest appearance with some definitely not real Disney news, and NBC reboots The Golden Girls in the world of fairy tales.

What is Not Your Mother's Goose?

Welcome to Topher Goggin's totally irreverent, mega-sarcastic fairy tale recaps for grown-ups, with laugh out loud "news" stories thrown in for good measure. This is definitely not your mother's goose.