Kairos Talks

Join Daniel Mcilhiney and Chad Wooters as they take a look at American politics through a British citizen's eyes! Topics include President Biden's Policies, Controlling Speech, Dystopian Societies, and applications for the modern American.

Show Notes

Join Daniel Mcilhiney and Chad Wooters as they take a look at American politics through a British citizen's eyes! Topics include President Biden's Policies, Controlling Speech, Dystopian Societies, and applications for the modern American.

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What is Kairos Talks?

Kairos is the “Opportune time in which to accomplish a crucial action.”

“Kairos” (Ancient Greek: καιρός) – referred to the proper time that an archer would release the arrow through the bows of the greeks; it was the best time to release the arrow to hit the mark (or target).

Our opportune time is now; our crucial action is being the best we can be and influencing the world by committing to be our best selves.

To ask questions and start conversations that others consider uncomfortable and explore ideas that will challenge ourselves and encourage others.

Your story matters, your questions matter, and today is your opportune time.