What happened last episode: We last left our heroes in Buck's Tavern after having convinced Bill to allow them access to his spot on the hill up at Ghost Ranch to have a little get-together away from the prying eyes of the Coyote gang. Little does Bill know though that the evening has more in store for him than a simple picnic with a rag-tag bunch of strangers.
Dreamslayer Studios RPG Podcast consists of a group of old school Role-Playing Game enthusiasts who have reunited to enjoy their old nerdy passion from years gone by. Led by Game Master, Christopher Tyner, the players will tackle all manner of adventures in various games, some familiar, and some which you may never have heard of before. What sets these players apart is their ability for improvisation. These adventures will focus on the true art of collaborative storytelling and push the boundaries of how you think about approaching your own role-playing games.