Integration. Redesigned.

In this episode of Integration. Redesigned., host Cait Porte sits down with Digibee's head of security, Travis Morrow, to delve into the crucial topic of data security. With breaches becoming all too common, Travis shares insights into the top priorities for a head of security and how they align with customer trust. From ZTNA initiatives to BYOK and identity management, the discussion explores Digibee's proactive approach to maintaining data sovereignty and compliance.

Travis also reflects on lessons learned from past experiences and emphasizes the importance of hiring a well-rounded security team. As they narrow down to the realm of application integration, Travis highlights the significance of providing secure tools and capabilities while accommodating legacy integrations. With security at the core of Digibee's ethos, this episode offers valuable insights into the intersection of security and integration in today's digital landscape.

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What is Integration. Redesigned.?

Integration. Redesigned. unpacks ideas, trends, and topics that directly impact developers and tech professionals who are managing resources, costs, executive demands, security and risk, customer experience and an ever-evolving landscape of new solution providers. The podcast is presented by Digibee, an eiPaaS solution that bridges the gap between current systems and new technologies and helps connect data and platforms that have never been connected before, regardless of underlying silos or legacy infrastructure.