Rebeccamendations - Business, Love & Science.

In todays episode I am joined by my incredible friend Athena Savvas who is the head of sustainability and projects manager at MJ Bale . We had the pleasure of connecting through SoL Cups, as part of the extensive sustainability practise Athena roadmaps and executes at MJBale. True soulmates, we connected over our passion and dedication to instil positive impacts and mindset in those around us, it was love at first site and I am so honoured to have Athena in my circle. Athena is dedicated to helping shape a sustainable future for all and this episode is raw, relentlessly honest and will remind you that you are never alone in your pursuit to do good in this world. Don't give up.

Show Notes

In todays episode I am joined by my incredible friend Athena Savvas who is the head of sustainability and projects manager at MJ Bale . We had the pleasure of connecting through SoL Cups, as part of the extensive sustainability practise Athena roadmaps and executes at MJBale. True soulmates, we connected over our passion and dedication to instil positive impacts and mindset in those around us, it was love at first site and I am so honoured to have Athena in my circle. Athena is dedicated to helping shape a sustainable future for all and this episode is raw, relentlessly honest and will remind you that you are never alone in your pursuit to do good in this world. Don't give up.

In this very raw and authentic conversation we dig deep into what it feels like to be so deeply passionate about something but feel completely held back by corporate red tape, age, and gender. We talk about the challenges of influencing mindsets, as well as the next level sciences implemented at MJBale and their goals to change the industry. Athena's story is a clear showcase of how resilience and determination for the greater good can create such a domino effect of inspiration and positivity. If you ever feel like you're carrying up a boulder up a hill and everyone around you is pushing it back down, then this is the episode for you.

A little more about Athena:
She is the head of sustainability and projects manager at MJ Bale, But more importantly she is a self-professed do-gooder, dedicated to helping shape a sustainable future for all.

M.J. Bale became certified by Climate Active as Australia's first fully carbon neutral fashion brand, certified for both products and organisation.
At M.J. Bale Athena is responsible for leading the charge on Sustainability, transforming policies and practices by working collaboratively with the entire business. Prior to her work at M.J. Bale, Athena spent over 6 years working in Cambodia on humanitarian aid through volunteer explorations and direct grassroots work with the local community in remote villages whilst also empowering young Australians passionate to give-back to volunteer and provide additional support to these neighbouring communities.  Athena has extensive experience in philanthropy and is committed to showing businesses the benefits of doing right by people and the planet.

What is Rebeccamendations - Business, Love & Science. ?

Rebecca Veksler, host of this podcast is the founder of SoL Cups and has created 'Business, Love and Science'. A podcast which exists as a platform to dive into all the things she is deeply passionate about outside of sustainability… business, love, human behaviour, analytical psychology and everything to do with health on all fronts including neuroscience and mental health.

"I’m so honoured and grateful for the incredible network I’ve built over the last decade as I've built my company and experienced so much personal growth. Each episode I will personally interview some of the most important people in my life. From personal friendships, mentors, entrepreneurs and generally humans that have impacted my world with their inspiring stories support and intellect."

Everyone interviewed has achieved greatness, overcome adversity, accomplished unimaginable success and have an incredible story to tell.

Stay tuned for new episodes every Wednesday!