The City Table

Some of us may be experiencing cultural schizophrenia - are we citizens of our nations’ agenda or citizens of heaven’s agenda - or both? The church of Jesus seems fragmented along political lines. Is this God’s plan?. How do we make Jesus king of the church again - the one who is ruling now over government authorities while having defeated the powers of darkness. How do we participate in the New Creation as God’s people, tasked to bring heaven’s will to earth’s chaos? Does our primary allegiance lie with the flag or the cross, and how does that play out in our workplaces, neighborhoods and in our cities?

Jon Petersen's books 'Unravelled' [CityForce, 2018] and 'Unveiled' [CityForce 2019] are available on Amazon, and you can connect with Jon and Ken at They would love to hear from you.

What is The City Table?

What would it look like to transform our cities with the Gospel of the Kingdom? It would start with our own personal transformation, flow into the transformation of our community, and then it would spread into our workplaces and neighborhoods. After decades of experience in bringing transformation to various cities around the globe, Jon Petersen and Ken Janke have a passion to ignite "hungry hearts" with the joy of becoming transformational people. The City Table Podcast features their stories, lessons learned, musings and humor. Welcome to the Table where all are invited, all are encouraged, and all are released into God's dream for their cities.