Monthly Movie Club

Hosts Mario and Jen explore the fascinating topic of time travel in movies, particularly focusing on their monthly selection, 'Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel', directed by Gareth Kerevic. This film involves three social outcasts who experience time travel in their local pub. The hosts discuss various types of time travel in film and attempt to categorize 'FAQ About Time Travel' into these classifications. They discuss the humor, intricacies and clever nods to other sci-fi classics present in the film. Despite some debate around the film's handling of time reset rules, it receives a high rating from both hosts. This episode concludes with a segment on their unique drinking game applicable to any movie.

Creators & Guests

Jennifer Salazar
Mario Salazar

What is Monthly Movie Club?

Let's watch movies together. Ever thought that there should be a book club for movies? Well we're your new favorite pod. Never doom scroll a streaming service again and end up not finding a single thing to watch. Every month we’ll pick a genre/topic and choose movies that are streaming across platforms to watch and talk about. Also, every movie can be a drinking game right? Join the conversation on the next meeting of the Monthly Movie Club.