Humans of Agriculture

Candid and open, Sallie Jones isn't afraid of telling her story.

She's another of our powerhouse Women in Ag for the month of March, and if you're familiar at all with her story - maybe you buy Gippsland Jersey milk, or you've had one of their famous milkshakes, or maybe you're part of Women in Gippsland - then you know what we're talking about.

But if Sallie Jones is a new name for you, she's a farmer's daughter, a farmer, an innovator, a mum, a mental health advocate, and a leader.

In 2016, her dad took his own life. Through the grief, Sallie wanted to honour the legacy her dad had built, even though at the time, the industry was entering a dairy crisis. Gippsland Jersey was born a few months later in partnership with another generational dairy farmer, Steve Ronalds.
Gippsland Jersey is an ode to supporting local producers and creating premium products, and it is a result of the community that rally behind them, because they can see just how passionate Sallie is.

She's been on one hell of a ride so far, and we can wait for you to hear all about it.

In this conversation, Sallie discusses:
  • Her journey since her father's death
  • What was it like growing up in Lakes Entrance?
  • Studying PR at University and her time working at a PR Agency in Melbourne
  • How Gippsland Jersey was started
  • The ups and downs of owning a business
  • The role of women in the agriculture industry
This episode contains themes of suicide and mental health, please reach out to Lifeline, This Is A Conversation Starter or someone you trust if you need help.

Lifeline: 13 11 14
TIACS: 0488 846 988

Women in Agriculture Live Podcast in partnership with Nutrien Ag Solutions
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What is Humans of Agriculture?

Welcome to Humans of Agriculture. This podcast series is dedicated to discovering more about our food system, from the people involved in it.

Along the journey we'll be meeting people from all walks of life from Australia and from afar. Join us as we find out how our communities and our culture shape what we eat, and ultimately who we are.
​More people, More often, Identifying with Agriculture