Films & Filth

#81 on the "good" list unfortunately shows us that it's the same as it ever was.  Water dissolving, water removing.  There is water at the bottom of the ocean.

 Mike Richards has boarded the exploratory ship Orville, or at least the podcasting version of it.  You can hear him deep dive into that show at Mission Log: The Orville:

Support us at our podcasting network, Podcastio Podcastius at  You'll get early episodes of this and out other podcasts, along with a live chat here and there.

Speaking of our other podcasts - seriously, you could only listen to various other configurations of us:
Luke Loves Pokemon:
Time Enough Podcast (Twilight Zone):
Game Game Show (a game show gaming games):
Occult Disney:
Podcast: 1999 (where Mark and Matt rap about Space: 1999):

And Matt makes music here:

Coming Soon:
April 24: Dungeons & Dragons (2000)
May 1: Witness for the Prosecution 
May 8: The Wicker Man (2006)

What is Films & Filth?

The Citizen Kane of Podcasting. Three dorks and often a guest have a look at the top 100 films and bottom 100 films as voted by iMDb users.