Chris Aballo's Podcast Experiment

Jeff Schnitzer sits in on the show so he and Chris can dive into how they will return to the outside world after being spoiled by grocery delivery and in-store pickup.  The duo discusses Coming 2 America, superior and inferior sequels, and how edited-for-TV movies misled them as young viewers. … Continue reading

Show Notes

Jeff Schnitzer sits in on the show so he and Chris can dive into how they will return to the outside world after being spoiled by grocery delivery and in-store pickup.  The duo discusses Coming 2 America, superior and inferior sequels, and how edited-for-TV movies misled them as young viewers.  Jeff also makes a surprising revelation about what he watches after his family goes to bed.
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What is Chris Aballo's Podcast Experiment?

Chris and his cavalcade of misfits bring you the funny and interesting conversations you've been looking for, because Monday's don't have to suck