She's Fabulous by MaryAnn Lim Favie

Hello and welcome to She’s Fabulous Show.

Show Notes


TITLE:  Do You Feel Like An Impostor?

Hello and welcome to She’s Fabulous Show.  

Story 1:

When Do I Feel Like An Impostor

Story 2:

How Do I Guard Against The Feeling

Story 3:


  1. Break the silence.  Separate feelings from fact. Recognize when you should feel fraudulent.
  2. Accentuate the positive. Develop a healthy response to failure and mistake making. 
  3. Right the rules. Develop a new script. Visualize success. Reward yourself.


In the end I will always choose to find ways to learn and will keep going no matter how old I get.

What is She's Fabulous by MaryAnn Lim Favie ?

She's Fabulous by MaryAnn Lim Favie