The Woman Podcast

The Woman Podcast is back with a new season of episodes! This week, we have an interview with Andi Andrew, our special guest for Woman Conference 2021. Andi joins us in what feels like one of those good, refreshing convos over coffee with a dear friend. Based in NYC, Andi is a pastor, author, and podcaster as well as a devoted wife and mother. We’ll cover a wide range of topics all the way from women in leadership, “Do my dreams have meaning?” motherhood, seasons of transition and more. 

To learn more about Andi and browse her books check out her website or follow her on Instagram @andiandrew.

Quote from this episode: “I think that the last year and a half alone brought so much pruning and cutting off and shaking and awakening that I was in this constant state of transition and change. God has really been showing me how to do those shifting of seasons well... I’m longing to see a movement of wholeness happen in women’s lives: in their mental, emotional and spiritual health. That’s what God’s been doing with me... I’m just really passionate about empowering women to excavate and find what those false beliefs are and what lies they believe and to really align with the truth of who God is.”

What is The Woman Podcast?

The Woman Podcast, streaming from New Life Church of Arkansas, is designed to invite you into conversations that will encourage you, challenge you, and always point you back to Jesus. Thanks for joining us!