Every 7 days Justin Jackson tries to build and launch a new product.
Everybody is in a unique place in life. Some of us have our health, some of us have more free time than others, some of us have more resources than others... that's just the way it is. The challenge is for each of to not compare ourselves to other people who are in a different situation. Instead, let's figure out: how can we make something tiny, and put it out into the world?
Pick something small you could launch in a week. That momentum of launching is really, really powerful.
"I try to improve myself 1% a day. It seems small, but over a year it makes a big difference."
A weekly podcast focused on shipping small projects.
Every week I'll take you on an adventure of launching a new project. You'll hear the launch stats, hurdles I had to overcome, and how you can learn from my mistakes.