Marvel Movie Minute

Minute One Hundred Twenty Six: From Tony’s Missile Chase to Tony’s Missile Heave Ho
Lester Clark and Kynan Dias from The Exorcist Minute join us in this episode!

In the one-hundred-twenty-sixth minute of The Avengers...
The chase is on! Tony spots the nuke and does a great U-turn under the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge between Staten Island and Long Island. What does this say about where the F-35 was though? Wasn’t the helicarrier off the east coast of Long Island? And why don’t we ever get to see the Statue of Liberty in this film? Even in the background of one of these shots? Ah well.

Speaking of Tony’s U-turn, the water explosion when he blasts his thrusters at it... quite a kick! So again, what happened to those people under him when he first got his Mark VII on? Ouch.

Tony’s plan is to catch the nuke and push it up through the space hole. But shouldn’t the team on the helicarrier still be doing things? Like scrambling jets? Calling New York’s leaders to evacuate the city? You know, things like that? While it might make sense, we do agree that there’s a story element of having everyone watch that gives us a sense that everything’s been done and all they – just like us – can do is watch. It’s fine. And that leads to Tony’s final push. Tune in!

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What is Marvel Movie Minute?

Andy Nelson and Pete Wright reach the first team-up movie in the MCU: Marvel's The Avengers, and they're taking it apart one blue-beamed minute at a time.