The Biblical Anarchy Podcast

In this episode of the Biblical Anarchy Podcast, host Jacob Winograd explores eschatology, Old Testament prophecy, and covenant theology. Jacob delves into how the Old Testament passages foreshadow the New Covenant and the messianic reign of Christ. He emphasizes the fulfillment hermeneutic, which sees Christ as the ultimate fulfillment of these prophecies. By examining key passages from Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Joel, Jacob explains how the messianic kingdom is characterized by spiritual transformation rather than a physical, coercive rule.

Jacob also discusses the role of Christians in the current era, highlighting the importance of focusing on internal spiritual renewal through the Holy Spirit, rather than relying on external pressures or political power to enforce righteousness. He challenges common interpretations of eschatological passages that suggest a future physical reign of Christ, advocating instead for an understanding rooted in the internal and spiritual nature of the New Covenant.

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The Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians For Liberty Network, a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Check out Jacob's other podcast at:

Audio Production by Podsworth Media.

What is The Biblical Anarchy Podcast?

The Biblical Anarchy Podcast was created by Jacob Winograd as a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute, with the purpose of making the case for a free society and decentralized governance based on Biblical principles of limited authority and imitating Christ’s example of the leader/servant. If we render unto God what is God’s, we cannot bow down to Caesar or render anything unto him except that which he deserves. The podcast consists of exploring different Bible passages, anarchist theory, Austrian Economics, and finding the connection and harmony between them.

The Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians for Liberty Network, a coalition of shows that promote human flourishing by spreading the message of liberty. Find other shows at