Legends of Media Research

A fascinating interview with Paul Donato who led research at Nielsen for over 17 years and, before that, was one of the co-founders of Kantar Media.  Currently, Paul serves as Chief Research Officer at the Advertising Research Foundation.   Come discover all about media currencies and why the evolution of common currencies is so challenging... and the strengths and limitations of big data (ACR vs. Set Top Box) vs panel data.  

Show Notes

A fascinating interview with Paul Donato who led research at Nielsen for over 17 years and, before that, was one of the co-founders of Kantar Media.  Currently, Paul serves as Chief Research Officer at the Advertising Research Foundation.   Come discover all about media currencies and why the evolution of common currencies is so challenging... and the strengths and limitations of big data (ACR vs. Set Top Box) vs panel data.  

What is Legends of Media Research?

Interviews with media research leaders sharing their greatest adventures.