The Modern Manager

95% of our choices every day are made by our autopilot. And your mindset is the remarkable force shaping your autopilot system. So, how do you make sure that your autopilot is actually serving you and your team–helping you run at your optimal potential? Our guest expert has a lot to say on this topic.

Today’s guest is Susan Hobson. Susan is a High-Performance Leadership Coach, Founder/CEO of Elite High Performance Inc., host of “The Leadership Launchpad Project” podcast, author, and a member of the Forbes Coaches Council.

Today, Susan and I talk about all things mindset–its importance and how it impacts everything you do as a manager. To dive deeper, Susan and I get into the different mindset beliefs and how they help or hinder us, how to engage your team in shifting mindsets, what leadership 2.0 is all about, plus so much more.

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Conversation Topics
  • (00:00) Intro
  • (01:47) What is mindset architecture?
  • (05:38) Example of mindsets that are running on autopilot
  • (09:47) Growth mindset vs. fixed mindset
  • (13:34) How can managers help their teams embrace a growth mindset
  • (16:36) How to shift to a growth mindset when you think you’re already good at something
  • (19:14) The Leadership 2.0
  • (23:28) How to introduce mindset and all its concepts to your team
  • (26:05) A great manager Susan has worked for
  • (27:58) Keep up with Susan
  • (29:35) [Extended Episode Only] The connection between emotional intelligence and mindset
  • (35:02) [Extended Episode Only] How to get to know your emotions
  • (36:42) [Extended Episode Only] Effective technique on how to shift your mindset

Additional Resources:

- Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month
- Read the full transcript here
- Read the related blog article here
- Follow me on Instagram here 
- Visit my website for more here

Connect with Susan:

- Follow Susan on LinkedIn here
- Connect with Susan on Instagram here
- Become an Elite High Performance 2.0 Leader here

Free 30-minute Self-Awareness Awakening Session

Susan is offering 5 members of Podcast+ a free 30-minute self-awareness awakening session with one of the Elite High Performance coaches to help them turn up the high beams on their self-awareness. 

Get all of these guest bonuses and many other member benefits when you join The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

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What is The Modern Manager?

Host Mamie Kanfer Stewart shares practical approaches to help you be a great manager. Learn more at:

Solo episodes are like mini-courses, providing actionable tips based on experience and research. Guest episodes are engaging conversations that elicit insights and suggestions for how to apply the ideas.

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