Protein Production Technology Podcast

In this Protein Production Technology International episode, Drew Arendovitz, CEO of 5050 Foods, discusses "BOTH," a unique burger blending 50% meat and 50% vegetables. This innovative product, the first USDA-approved of its kind, aims to reduce meat consumption without losing taste or texture. Arendovitz's journey, influenced by environmental concerns and personal health, led to creating a healthier, sustainable alternative to traditional burgers. Facing challenges like product development and USDA regulations, 5050 Foods emerged as a pioneer in the blended burger space. "BOTH" competes with traditional beef, offering a sustainable choice without flavor compromise. Arendovitz envisions expanding the product line, including various meats, adapting to increasing consumer demand for sustainable options. With its focus on health, simplicity, and sustainability, 5050 Foods is poised to significantly impact the food industry.

Creators & Guests

Nick Bradley
Andrew Arentowicz

What is Protein Production Technology Podcast?

Helping the industry understand how it will revolutionize modern protein production and help build a healthier, more efficient, and sustainable global protein system