
Theodore Kaczynski - The behavior modification of long term socialization

Show Notes


Speaker 0 (0s): <inaudible> welcome back. 

Speaker 1 (17s): It's Monday for me. What day is it for you? Is it Tuesday and Wednesday? Saturday, the greatest day ever, whatever day it is. Thank you for taking a few minutes to hang out with me. We're getting back into Whoo Theodore Ted Kaczynski AKA the unit bomber. This guy, I'll tell you what this guy was ahead of his time. He may have been out of his mind 

Speaker 0 (46s): And when he was definitely ahead of his time. And to me, 

Speaker 1 (51s): It's interesting to think about people who think about things differently. I think that also backs up the statement that man's best thinking is done outdoors. This is a guy that moved out into a shack way out in the middle of nowhere. I think he was out in Montana, had a small little cabin where he would just read and kind of live life, the natural way and be away from technology. 

The reason he was so far away from technology is his belief that technology was going to enslave the world. We left off talking about feelings of inferiority. This is from the book, technological slavery, and the first part, the book is called industrial society and its future. We are moving on to the next reading, which is going to be over socialization. 

Again, these are what I am reading is they're clearly not my ideas. However, I think these ideas are important enough for people to consider them. And that's why I'm going over them with you and my friends. What do you guys think about this? Is it just pure craziness or can you find some nuggets? 

Speaker 0 (2m 13s): The truth in the words of Ted Kaczynski let us begin. Psychologists 

Speaker 1 (2m 21s): Used the term socialization 

Speaker 0 (2m 24s): To designate 

Speaker 1 (2m 25s): The process by which children are trained to Think 

Speaker 0 (2m 29s): And act as a society demands as a person 

Speaker 1 (2m 34s): Has said to be well socialized. If he believes 

Speaker 0 (2m 37s): In and obeys the moral code of his society and fits in well as a functioning part of that society, it may seem senseless to say that many leftists are over socialized since the leftist is perceived as a rebel, Never 

Speaker 1 (2m 54s): In the last of the position can be defended. Many leftists are not such rebels 

Speaker 0 (2m 58s): As they seem. Let me just stop there for just one quick second. For those of you that have kids, I want you to think about this term over socialization. I want you to think about what you watched and what you listened to when you were a kid I'm in my forties. And when I was as a kid, we, there was a GI. Joe is the big cartoon. 

And what did GI Joe do for men? Well, GI Joe taught young men that you should be in the military and that you should knowing is half the battle. You should try and understand what's going on because now, you know, and knowing is half the battle for girls that were Barbies and Barbie was a lot like the Housewives today and GI Joe of yesterday is a lot like the first person shooter games up today. 

So if you think about our media and you think about socialization and you think about the music and the programs that we're programming, the people our age, you can see a path. And if you could see that path, you could kind of predict the future. Remember the movies we saw like top gun and you know, all the movies about the military we're America was a good guy and we're going in and save and people. And you know that those are all propaganda. 

That's aimed at young impressionable people to socialize them in a way in which is beneficial for this state. The reason I'm yammering on about this is I've noticed some interesting, well, I think they are. I think that they're kind of scary if that's true. If, if the programs that are being shown to kids now are any idea of the future than I think you can see a future beginning that is going to make us do some horrible things. 

My daughter was watching this program from Disney and it's all about the, it's all about the children of villains and Disney movies, right? Not a bad premise, like they all get together and sing and dance and it seemed kind of happy. However, if you listen to the words of the songs and these kids are singing, you know, there's, there's definitely a, a relationship between music and thinking and what the songs are that are being sung to these children are like, it's good to be bad. 

Yeah. Yeah. You should be horrible. Yeah. I'm going to kill this person. Like it just, they may be, they don't say I'm going to kill 

Speaker 1 (5m 58s): This person, but they just start drilling in how good it is to be bad. And how be in villains are good at it. Like this subversive nature of 

Speaker 0 (6m 9s): This antihero 

Speaker 1 (6m 11s): And the antihero has become the new hero, which it seems to me in the back of kids' minds, your giving them permission to do horrible things. And if you look at, if, if, if you were laying out a long-term plan to subvert a nation, if you were laying out a long-term plan, you would beat you. You always begin with indoctrination, you'd begin with the kids in. It seems to me it's seems to me, it's at least plausible that we are beginning to set up a United States to be somewhat like the Nazi party in Germany. 

There is being it's seems to me that there is a movement of foot to create poverty in anger and hatred in Americans so that they will do horrific things to people. If you can slowly start telling the children, it's okay to be bad what's you're doing is you're very slowly taking away the morality. 

You know, you're just slightly peeling away the morality and saying, Hey, it's okay to be bad. Meanwhile, while the kids today grow up, they're going to see their grandparents. They're parents have nothing, have things stripped away from them on a possible, a possible break-down in the economy possibly to have pensions as being taken away all the under the guise, the COVID. And once you, once you have done that once you've demoralized of a generation of people, and you have given permission to the children, to those people, to be bad, you have put in place a mindset that will allow brutality 

Speaker 0 (8m 1s): To blossom. 

Speaker 1 (8m 3s): And unlike Nazi Germany, who was, I think it was Kissinger who said, you know, poor Germany, there are two big 

Speaker 0 (8m 12s): To the too big for Europe, but to small, to rule the world, right? They were They 

Speaker 1 (8m 21s): And had the technical know-how. They have the drive, but they just didn't have the population to do it. 

Speaker 0 (8m 29s): America does that matter. 

Speaker 1 (8m 31s): Erica does. And as divided as we are now, you know, it was less than 20 years ago when everyone was waving flags after 2011, number one of the towers got hit. When you couldn't buy a flag in a store, people were walking around high five in each other, waving the flags, talking about how much they love America. 

Speaker 0 (8m 50s): Imagine what will happen 

Speaker 1 (8m 53s): If indeed there is some sort attack where 

Speaker 0 (8m 56s): Be in a bio attack or ya know, a made up a bio attack, or, you know, if it is in fact, some sort of limited nuclear strike, and then it was blamed on Iran or blamed on China. Like you will see America unite in a way. And in God forbid, it's, it's aimed at a race of people because there there'll be no stopping America. America will, you will see what the Germans did to the Jews look like kindergarten. 

Like I think that that there's that level of hate and just being fostered into the young people of today, right? When you, when people have nothing left to lose, they lose it. And it's clear to me that the economy and the stock market or being propped up. And as soon as that rug is pulled from there and everything crashes, I think that you could see it's possible that you could see atrocities on a level that no one has ever seen before. 

So I just wanted to throw that in there, since he was talking about socialization and how it starts with the kids to get back to the book here, the moral code of our society is so demanding that no one can think, feel and act and a completely more away. For example, we are not supposed to hate anyone yet. Almost everyone hates somebody at some time or other whether he admits it to himself or not. Some people that are so highly socialized at the attempt to think, feel, and act morally imposes a severe burden on them. 

In order to avoid feelings of guilt, they continually have to deceive themselves about their own motives and find moral explanations for feelings and actions that in reality, have a non-moral origin. We used the term over socialize to describe such people over socialization can lead to low. Self-esteem a sense of powerlessness, defeatism, guilt, et cetera. One of the most important means by which our society socializes children is by making them feel ashamed of behavior or speech that is contrary to society's expectations. 

If this is overdone, or if a particular child is especially susceptible to such feelings, he ends by feeling it shamed of himself. Moreover, the The and the behavior of the over socialized person are more restricted by society's expectations. Then are those have the lightly socialized? Persson the majority of people engaged in a significant amount of Yeah naughty behavior. They lie, they commit petty thefts. They break traffic laws. They goof off at work. They hate them, someone, they say spiteful things, or they use some underhanded Shrek to get ahead 

Speaker 1 (11m 54s): Of the other guy. The over socialized person can not do these things, or if he does do them, he generates in his life. 

Speaker 0 (12m 1s): So in a sense of shame and self hatred, the over socialized person cannot even experience without guilt, thoughts or feelings that are contrary 

Speaker 1 (12m 11s): Very, to the accepted morality. He can not think unclean thoughts and socialization is not just a matter of morality. We are socialized to conform to many norms of behavior that do not fall under the heading of morality. Thus the over socialized person is kept on a psychological leash and spends his life running on rails. That society has laid down for him and many over a socialized people. This result in a sense of constraint and powerlessness, that can be a severe hardship. 

We suggest that over socialization is among the more serious cruelties that human beings inflict on one another. We argued that a very important and influential segment of the modern left is over socialized and that they are over socialization is of great importance in determining the direction of modern leftism leftist of the over socialized type tend to be intellectuals or a members of the upper middle class. Notice the That university intellectuals constitute the most highly socialized segment of our society. 

And also the most left wing segment. The leftist of the over socialized type tries to get off his psychological leash and assert his autonomy by rebelling. But usually he is not strong enough to rebel against the most basic values of society. Generally speaking, the goals of today's left is, are not in conflict with the accept that morality on the contrary with the left takes and accepted moral principle adopts it as its own, and then accuses mainstream society of violating that principle, examples, racial equality, equality of the sexes, hoping poor people piece, as opposed to war nonviolence, generally freedom of expression, kindness to animals, more fundamentally the duty of the individual to serve society and the duty of society to take care of the individual. 

All of these have been deeply rooted values of our society, or at least of its middle and upper classes 

Speaker 0 (14m 16s): For a long time. These 

Speaker 1 (14m 18s): Values are explicitly or implicitly expressed or presupposed in most of the material right 

Speaker 0 (14m 23s): Presented to us by the mainstream communications media and the educational system leftist, 

Speaker 1 (14m 30s): Especially those of the over socialized type. Usually do not rebel against 

Speaker 0 (14m 34s): These principles, but justify 

Speaker 1 (14m 36s): Their hostility to society by claiming with some degree of truth, that society is not living up to 

Speaker 0 (14m 43s): These principles. Here 

Speaker 1 (14m 45s): Is an illustration of the way in which the over socialized left is No 

Speaker 0 (14m 50s): I'm sorry. Shows is real attachment 

Speaker 1 (14m 52s): To the conventional attitudes of our society while pretending to be in rebellion against It many leftists push for affirmative action for moving black people in the high prestige jobs for improved education in black schools and more money for such schools, the way of life of the black underclass, they regard as a social disgrace. They want to integrate the black men into the system, make him a business executive as a lawyer, a scientist, just like upper middle class white people in the leftist will reply. 

That the last thing they want is to make the black man into a copy of the white man. Instead they want to preserve African-American culture, but in what does this preservation of African-American culture consists? It can hardly consist in anything more than eating black style food, listening to black style of music. We're in black style clothing and going to a black style church or mosque. In other words, it can't express itself only in a superficial matter, in all essential respects. 

Most leftist of the over socialized type wants to make the black man conform to white middle-class ideals. They want to make him study technical subjects, become an executive or a scientist, spin his life, climbing the status ladder to prove that black people are as good as white. They want to make black fathers responsible. They want black gangs to become a non-violent, but these are exactly the values of the industrial technological system. 

The system couldn't care less. What kind of music a man listens to what kind of clothes he wears or what religion he believes in. As long as he studies in school holds a respectable job. Climes a status ladder is a responsible parent is non-violent and so forth in effect. However much he may deny it. The over socialized leftist wants to integrate the black man into the system and make him adopt its values. We certainly do not claim that leftist even of the over socialized type Never rebelled against the fundamental values of our society. 

Clearly they sometimes do some over socialized left is to have gone so far as to rebel against one of modern society's most important principles by engaging in physical violence, by their own account. Violence is for them a form of liberation. In other words, by committing violence, they breakthrough the psychological restraints that had been trained into them because there are over socialized. These restraints have been more confining for them then for others, hence their need to break free of them, but they usually justify their rebellion in terms of mainstream values. 

If they engage in violence, they claim to be fighting against racism or the light. We realized that many objections could be raised to the foregoing thumbnail sketch of leftist psychology. The real situation is complex and anything like a complete description of it would take several volumes. Even if the necessary data were available. We claim only to have indicated very roughly the two most important tendency's in the psychology of modern leftism. 

The problems of the leftist are indicative of the problems of our society as a whole low self-esteem oppressive tendencies and defeatism are not restricted to the left though. They are especially noticeable in the left. They are widespread in our society and today's society tries to socialize us to a greater extent than any previous society. We are even told by experts how to eat, how to exercise, how to make love, how to raise our kids and so forth. 

The power process, human beings have a need probably based in biology for something that we will call the power process. This is closely related to the need for power, which is widely recognized, but it is not quite the same thing. The power process has four elements. The three most clear cut of these, we call a goal effort and attainment of goal. Everyone needs to have goals whose attainment requires effort and needs to succeed in attaining. At least some of his goals. 

The fourth element is more difficult to define and may not be necessary for everyone. We call it autonomy and we'll discuss it later. Consider the hypothetical case of a man who can have anything he wants just by wishing for it. Such a man has power, but he will develop serious psychological problems. At first, he will have a lot of fun, but by and by, he will become acutely bored and demoralized. Eventually he may become clinically depressed history shows that leisured aristocracies tend to become decadent. 

This is not true of fighting aristocracies that have to struggle to maintain their power. But leisure is secure aristocracies that have no need to exert themselves, usually become bored. He didn't have a stick and demoralized, even though they have power. This shows that power is not enough. One must have goals toward which to exercise one's power. Every one has goals. If nothing else, to obtain the physical necessities of life, food, water, and whatever clothing and shelter are made necessarily by the climate, but the leisure aristocrat obtains these things without effort. 

And this is boredom and demoralization non-attainment of important goals result in death. If the goals are physical necessities and in frustration, if non-attainment of the goals is compatible with survival, consistent failure to attain throughout life results and defeatism low self-esteem or depression, thus in order to avoid serious psychological problems, human being needs goals whose attainment requires effort. And he must have a reasonable rate of success. Cass in attaining his goals. 

I would agree with that. You know, there's the old adage of short sleeves to short sleeves, or is it shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations? So you have a wealthy, a wealthy family than they have kids that kids a little bit coddled grows up, maybe not getting to the peak level of what he could be. And then his kid is usually a really small oil and then blows all the money, right? 

So you go from shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves. It's interesting to think about too. When I think about depression, I had another good quote that said depression is being trapped in the past and anxiety is being trapped in the future. Good thing to think about it. If you ever find yourself and one of those two States, but not every leisure, here's some of the next part of that. We didn't get into surrogate activities. And again, we were talking about attaining goals in decadence surrogate activities, but not every leisure aristocrat becomes bored with and demoralized. 

For example, the emperor Hirohito, instead of seeking into decadent, hedonism, devoted himself to Marine biology, a field in which he became distinguished when people do not have to exert themselves to satisfy their physical needs, they often set up artificial goals for themselves in many cases right now, and, and pursue these goals with the same energy, any emotional involvement that they otherwise would have put in to search for physical necessities. Thus, the aristocrats of the Roman empire had their literary pretensions, many European aristocrats, a few centuries ago, invested tremendous time and energy in hunting. 

Tho they certainly did not need the meat. Other aristocracies have competed for status through elaborate displays of wealth and a few aristocrats like Hirohito have turned to science. We used the term surrogate activity to designate and activity that is directed toward an artificial goal that people set up for themselves merely in order to have some goal to work toward, or let us say merely for the sake of the fulfillment that they get from pursuing the goal. 

Here is a rule of thumb for the identification of surrogate activities, given the person who devoted time and energy, that the pursuit of goal X ask yourself this. If he had to devote most of his time and energy to satisfying his biological needs. And in that effort required them to use his physical and mental faculties in a varied and interesting way, would he feel seriously deprived because he did not attain goal X. If the answer is no, then the person's pursuit of goal X is a surrogate activity. 

Hirohito studies in Marine biology clearly constitute a surrogate activity since it is pretty certain that if Hirohito had had time to spend his time working at interesting non-scientific tasks in order to obtain the necessities of life, he would not have felt deprived because he didn't know all about the anatomy and life cycles of Marine animals. On the other hand, the pursuit of sex and love for example, is not 

Speaker 2 (24m 32s): A surrogate activity 

Speaker 1 (24m 34s): Because most people, even if their existence were otherwise satisfactory would feel deprived if they passed their lives without ever having a relationship with a member of the opposite sex, but pursuit of an excessive amount of sex more than one really needs, can be a surrogate activity. Think Charlie sheen hashtag winning in modern industrial society, only minimal effort as necessary to satisfy one's physical needs. 

It is enough to go through a training program to acquire some petty technical skill. Then come to work on time and exert. The very modest effort needed to hold a job. The only requirements are a moderate amount of intelligence and most of all, simple obedience, if one has those society takes care of one from cradle to grave, yes, there is an underclass that cannot take the physical necessities for granted, but we are speaking here of mainstream society. 

Thus, it is not surprising that modern society is full of surrogate activities. These include scientific work, athletic achievement, humanitarian work, artistic and literary creation climbing the corporate ladder acquisition have money and material goods far beyond the point at which they seized to give any additional physical satisfaction and social activism when it addresses issues that are not important for the activist personally, as in the case of white activists who worked for the rights of non-white minorities, these are not always pure surrogate activities. 

Since four, many people, they may be motivated in part by needs. Other than the need to have some goal to pursue scientific work may be motivated in part by a drive for prestige artistic creation, by a need to express feelings, militant social activism by hostility. But for most people who pursue them, these activities are in large part surrogate activities. For example, the majority of scientists will probably agree. 

The fulfillment they get from their work is more important than the money and prestige they earn. For many, if not most people, surrogate activities are less satisfying. Then the pursuit of real goals that is gold is that people would want to obtain. Even if there need for the power process were already fulfilled. One indication of this is the fact that in many or most cases, people who are deeply involved in surrogate activities are never satisfied, never at rest. 

Thus the money maker constantly strives for more and more wealth. The scientists know sooner solves one problem. When he moves onto the next, the long distance runner drives himself to run always further and faster. Many people who pursue surrogate activities, we'll say that they get far more fulfillment from these activities than they do from the mundane business of satisfying their biological needs. But that is because in our society, the effort required to satisfy the biological needs has been reduced to triviality. 

More importantly in our society. People do not satisfy their biological needs autonomously, but by functioning as parts of an immense social machine and contrast people genuinely have a great deal of autonomy in pursuing their surrogate activities. Autonomy as a part of the power process may not be necessary for every individual, but most people need a greater or lesser degree of autonomy in working towards their goals. 

What do you think, do you need that autonomy? Do you have that autonomy in your life? Do you prefer to work alone or do you work in groups? I am for one love people and I like being around them, but I can't stand to be around them all the time. I think I'm a really social person, but I, I really, really enjoy my time alone. I really, and in fact, if I can't be alone for a little while every day, I go crazy. 

It just seems to me that when you're around people or when you're in the work environment and then your mind is not your own 

Speaker 3 (29m 9s): And in a way, 

Speaker 1 (29m 15s): But most people need a greater or lesser degree of autonomy in working toward their goals. Their efforts must be undertaken on their own initiative and must be under their own direction and control yet. Most people do not have to exert this initiative direction and control as single individuals. And it is usually enough to act as a member of a small group. Thus if half a dozen people discuss a goal among themselves and make a successful joint effort to obtain that goal there need for the power process' will be served, but if they work under a rigid orders, tend to down from above and leave them no room for autonomous decision and initiative, then there need for the power process will not be served the same as true when decisions are made on a collective basis. 

If the group making a collective decision is so large, that the role of each individual is insignificant. It is true that some individuals seem to have little need for autonomy, either their drive for power as weak, or they satisfy at, by identifying themselves with some powerful organization too, which they belong. And then there are unthinking animal types who seem to be satisfied with a purely physical sense of power that the good combat soldier who gets his sense of power by developing fighting skills, that he is quite content to use in blind obedience to his superiors. 

But for most people, it is to the power of process, having a goal of making an autonomous effort and attaining the goal that self-esteem self-confidence and a sense of power are acquired. When one does not have adequate opportunity to go through the power of process, the consequences are depending on the individual and on the way the power process is disrupted. The consequences are boredom, demoralization, low self-esteem inferiority, defeatism, depression, anxiety, guilt, frustration, hostility, spouse, or child abuse, insatiable, hedonism, abnormal, sexual behavior, sleep disorders, eating disorders, et cetera, pretty fascinating, right? 

So it really speaks to the heart of, you know, what I think that what he's talking about is clearly visible in today's society. So we have more people on the plan that we've ever had. And the one of the biggest problems plaguing our planet is like a loneliness, right? We've now we have traded the word, right? 

Religion for the word productivity. We have a hearing to the theory of people being interchangeable parts, and it's not true. It's like That system is breaking down. It's not working and know how many suicides are happening, especially with COVID and how much starvation is there. How much destruction of a family unit has there been depression and anxiety boredom? 

I mean, I think that's what a lot of the lockdowns are shining upon. I think that the, the lockdowns have caused us to shine a light upon the problems of society. And those problems are indeed boredom to moralization, 

Speaker 0 (32m 40s): Inferiority, defeatism in depression and anxiety. And it's because people can't fulfill their goals because people don't have the autonomy or they're afraid to take a chance or there they're told not to do what they're told. Think about this one, the growing up all day long, what do we tell our boys? Don't be violent. Don't get in a fight, turned the other cheek, walk away. They were raising a generation of giant pussies. 

And why is that? Like it's a program we're programing, our young man to never use violence and violence is the only way to overthrow the power structure. Do you see how that works from a very early age where training people not to use the very techniques that can change the future for them and their families? Don't be violent. 

Violence is the only way to solve real problems. Now make I'm not calling for violence, but I'm telling you if you're honest with yourself, look at what we do with regime change. Why does our military go into other countries to secure resources for business? Why did they have to use violence? Because that's the only way to steal people's resource is the only way to overthrow government is that is if not actual violence, then the threat of violence. 

And another thing to think about is that's why, you know, this idea of violence is an idea that is deeply rooted in the American. Not just the American is deeply rooted in the human psyche. That's why, when you look at corporations or businesses or the quote unquote workplace, when a man and a man, if, if you are a, let's say you are an owner or your a manager and you have a male employee and you get into a fight, or you can just be to employees, you the way to men in the workplace. 

When they get into an argument, there is an underlying threat of violence. I don't care what anybody says. There is a potential chance for these two men just start whaling on each other and maybe even kill each other. The threat may be small, but it's there. Additionally, when you're at work in a man and a woman have a conversation, there's an underlying possibility of sex there. Maybe it's not really, I mean, it may not seem possible. 

Put on a biological level, a straight man in a woman there, they could have sex. I'm not saying that they were attracted to other But, I'm just saying its a different relationship. There is an underlying potential for attractiveness. Whereas men and men, there's an underlying possibility for violence and that fundamentally changed the way people react. And so I think that that's a part of equality that no one's factoring in. Like this is pretty new. 

Like the men and women in the workplace, any quality in an understanding how we react to each other. And I, you know, I think that dovetails nicely with leftism in that like, well, how come we're not equal? Well, because these two guys might kill each other and this man is one may fall in love. It's possible. Nothing will happen. I'm just saying that's something to think about in the workplace relationships. So, well I think we're, I'm going to shut it down right there for right now and tomorrow. 

And we're going to get into the sources of social problems. So I hope every one of you has an amazing day. I hope you try to utilize some of your autonomy. Reach out to your friends, your loved ones and set some goals for yourself to make their world a better place in your life. A bit of a place. All right. Aloha.

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