
Today I visit with my dear friend, Crystal. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Certified School Counselor, and Musician. She's one of those people that makes everyone around her better and the world a happier place just by being who she is. I am lucky to call her my friend.

Show Notes

I can't wait to introduce you to my dear friend, Crystal. In this episode, you might feel a bit like a fly on the wall overhearing two friends sitting at the kitchen table just talking about life. Crystal is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Certified School Counselor, and Musician.  She began her professional experiences as a middle school and high school orchestra director. Crystal has 19 years of educational experience and 7 years as a School Counselor. She is also the mom of two incredible highschoolers, Carissa and Rueben and an all around hilarious, good person. 

When I think of my times with Crystal, I think of laughter and sunshine. That is what she brings to our friendship and I am forever grateful that our paths crossed in this big, beautiful world. She has helped shape my thinking in so many areas. She is a huge encouragement and you always leave feeling better after time spent in her presence. Because we are just two friends talking, I completely forgot to formally welcome her to the show. We just jumped in and started talking. So grab a cup of coffee or tea, pull up a chair, and join us as we discuss what racism looks like from Crystal's perspective.

I love Crystal's dartboard analogy! I can apply that to all of my relationships. I know Crystal said she uses humor as a defense mechanism, but I appreciate that she is self-reflective enough to know this about herself. Being able to admit to others that you know how you try to deflect uncomfortable situations shows such a deep knowledge of oneself, and comes from a place of humility, and authenticity. I have learned from watching Crystal's example,  that I too, wish to be able to vulnerably admit my own defenses to others instead of making excuses and justifications for my actions. 

Crystal's counseling expertise is a definite bonus in being able to help navigate these often muddy waters of racism and relationships for herself, her kids, as well as the high schoolers she serves with on a daily basis. I have deep respect for how she is thankful for all the trials and hardships of her life for she knows she wouldn't be the person she is today without them. You know you've reached the pinnacle of maturity when you can look your past in the face and see how all of it, the good and bad, has worked collectively to create the person you are today. There is an ancient Chinese proverb that says: “The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.” May we all see the friction we encounter as just another day of being Crystal has. 

Crystal's Quotes: Both from Maya Angelou
"When people show you who they are, believe them." 
"When you know better, you do better."

What is Gramercy?

Stories from those who live and work on the margins of society.