The Salty Pastor

Exciting News! We’re launching the Salty Pastor Website this week—make sure to check it out and subscribe for updates!

This Week’s Theme: Human Sexuality

Join us as we embark on a revealing series exploring the essence of human sexuality. What makes it such a powerful force? Why is it so complex and often confusing in today’s world?

Deep Dive into Intimacy

Sexuality isn’t just about physical connections; it’s deeply tied to our spiritual selves. Doug discusses the significant role intimacy plays in our lives and how disconnecting it from our spiritual nature leads to confusion and turmoil.

Exploring the Biblical Perspective

We’ll explore how intimacy is portrayed in the Bible, especially through the creation story, revealing that intimacy and sexuality are meant to fulfill us spiritually and emotionally, not just physically.

Why It Matters

As we discuss these profound topics, we aim to clarify the misconceptions surrounding sexuality and intimacy. We’ll examine why understanding this connection is essential for personal fulfillment and societal well-being.

Join the Conversation

Tune in as we tackle this sensitive topic with the depth and respect it deserves. Please note, due to the mature content, listener discretion is advised, especially if tuning in with younger listeners.

Stay engaged, challenge the status quo, and discover what truly satisfies the soul on the Salty Pastor Podcast!

What is The Salty Pastor?

Just like Matthew 5:13 says, Christians are the salt of the earth so join us as we find our saltiness on our journey through life together. Listen as Dr. Douglas Peake dives deep into the topics of his sermons each week, breaking down content, discussing evidence, telling stories and speaking into current events using biblical truths and principals.