Voices of Hope

007 - Trent as a Branch President

Jeff & Joseph speak with Trent, who was Joseph’s Branch President in Vermont. He gives insights into how church leaders can be more understanding of different circumstances in a branch or ward. Trent talks about how he spent a lot of time and effort trying to better understand Joseph when he first heard that a member of his branch experiences same-sex attraction. They all discuss the internal conflicts that come from being a member of the church while simultaneously knowing how to support and love anyone making choices that don't align with church values. 

Many commonalities exist between all members of the church as we strive to have a better relationship with Jesus Christ, which they expound on as they talk about the roles that Grace and Mercy play in ward leadership. They talk through the importance of providing safe spaces in all areas of the church where people can feel safe to have conversations seeking understanding. Trent also looks back on his own experiences as a Branch President to share advice with other church leaders, which includes the importance of putting trust into those around us regardless of what their personal challenges may be.

Trent on Facebook

Show Notes:
That We May Be One by Tom Christofferson

What is Voices of Hope?

The personal stories shared on this podcast serve as an extension of the book and video project, Voices of Hope. It is a living repository of faithful members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sharing stories of how they seek to reconcile their sexual orientation or gender dysphoria, or of those they love, with their faith. You’ll hear how they have chosen to embrace the restored gospel, the inherent challenges they face, and how they’ve found peace and hope in their decisions.

As you listen to these candid and touching stories, you may find elements of their journeys that echo your own. Wherever you fall in this spectrum of experience or in your journey on the path of discipleship, you’ll find a safe place here.

Voices of Hope is a project of North Star International. North Star is a faith-affirming resource for Latter-day Saints addressing sexual orientation and gender identity, and who desire to live in harmony with the teachings of Jesus Christ and the doctrines and values of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.