Breathe Easy

In this podcast, Dr Felipe Machado from Hasselt University in Belgium interviews Yvonne Goërtz and Maarten van Herck. They are at the final stages of their PhDs at CIRO, a specialized rehabilitation center for people with chronic respiratory diseases in collaboration with Maastricht University in the Netherlands. Yvonne and Maarten’s research has mainly focused on fatigue, which is the topic of this podcast and accompanies the great work they produced for the assembly on fatigue outcome measures.

Show Notes

Fatigue Outcome Measures 

Creators & Guests

Dr. Felipe Machado
Hasselt University, Belgium
Maarten van Herck
CIRO, Horn, The Netherlands
Yvonne Goërtz
CIRO, Horn, The Netherlands

What is Breathe Easy?

Conversations in Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine by the American Thoracic Society