Dr. E’s Highway to Health Show: Living Ageless

Emily Boller is the author of the book "Starved to Obesity" where she tells her story of food addiction from a chubby child to anorexic as a teenager and then becoming obese until age 47 where she decided to put an end to her addiction and turn her life around.

In this episode we discussed why food addictions are so common and often go unrecognized by most of us, the burden they place not only on the addict but on their friends and family. We also discussed how she overcame it and she gives you a few pieces of advice to do the same yourself.

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Show Notes

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Emily Boller is the author of the book "Starved to Obesity" where she tells her story of food addiction from a chubby child to anorexic as a teenager and then becoming obese until age 47 where she decided to put an end to her addiction and turn her life around.

In this episode we discussed why food addictions are so common and often go unrecognized by most of us, the burden they place not only on the addict but on their friends and family. We also discussed how she overcame it and she gives you a few pieces of advice to do the same yourself.

Actionable Steps

  1. Study and learn about the science behind food addiction
  2. Understand the importance of "just one bite".
  3. Getting professional counsel.

Episode Resources

Contact Emily


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Show Notes

00:04:21 Emily explains how the more than 100 pounds of weight she lost, she's been able to keep off for over a decade.
00:04:50 Now she can participate in life, unlike before.
00:05:33 How did Emily get to become obese.
00:07:01 Her childhood chubbiness started since she was a newborn.
00:07:48 Emily shares about her upbringing and how sugar was used as a condiment in her home.
00:09:12 Why she started extreme dieting.
00:10:28 Emily became anorexic in high school.
00:11:10 After normalizing her weight and becoming engaged, a seemingly innocent comment triggered her insecurities and spiraled her out of control.
00:11:37 The price of not knowing what an eating disorder was.
00:12:06 Emily explains how unintentional bullying from her husband put her on the path to weight gain.
00:13:59 She shares her inability to manage cravings throughout her life.
00:16:14 Emily talks about all the diets and interventions she tried and how they never seemed to work.
00:17:42 Her life turned around when she started eating for nourishment instead of satiation.
00:21:51 She was finally free from food addiction.
00:22:15 Eleven years later, she had a small setback after lowering her guard during vacation.
00:23:07 Emily describes food addiction like the rip current underneath the waves in the ocean. You don't see it but it can take hold of you easily and won't let you go.
00:24:45 Emily experienced food bullying shortly after losing her 100 pounds.
00:25:10 Emily shares why she thinks people want you to stay overweight.
00:25:53 We discuss why it's so difficult to overcome food addiction. Even more so than other, better known addictions like drug and alcohol abuse.
00:26:51 Emily discovered she was on her own and had to stop caring about what others thought and said about her and her efforts.
00:27:46 Dr. E shares about how he and his wife are raising their son in terms of food choices.
00:29:01 Emily talks about how our society is normalizing food addictions.
00:31:02 Most people are unhealthy, which makes them "normal" and the people who go out of their way to be healthy are seen as "extreme".
00:31:42 Emily's first approach with the man who eventually changed her life.
00:32:47 Emily talks about her realization that she was indeed fighting an addiction.
00:33:08 The moment Emily decided to turn her life around.
00:34:03 How Emily went about changing her diet and lifestyle.
00:34:29 She shares everything else that improved in her life besides her improved appearance.
00:36:16 Emily talks about the prevalence of food addiction and how that affects families everywhere.
00:38:19 Food addicts are constantly living in shame. From themselves and others.
00:38:53 Eating habits start in childhood, and its parents who are responsible and empowered to set the course for a child's life.
00:40:37 Dr E talks about the book The Body Keeps the Score
00:41:26 Actionable advice from Emily
00:47:23 Emily gives hope and encouragement for other food addicts.

Complete Show Notes

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What is Dr. E’s Highway to Health Show: Living Ageless?

Dr. E’s ‘Highway to Health Show’, is hosted by Dr. E, known as The Stem Cell Guy. The Highway to Health Show focuses on bringing Dr. E’s vast knowledge and his ever-growing rolodex of knowledgeable colleagues and prominent experts to simplify topics like alternative health science, cutting edge nutrition, fitness, and family health—all in a simple, accessible manner.
Dr. E is a Physician by training but truly a communicator by choice. He finds joy in sharing and educating his patients to truly understand how to ‘live ageless’ and explaining science in an easy and simple manner.