Jesus, Sex and Politics

The Radical Leftist "news" (and we use that word loosely) outlet in Indianapolis, The Indy Star, is freaking out because Pastor Micah Beckwith is "scary." "Journalist" (and we use that word loosely) James Briggs has been losing his mind lately over Micah's recent nomination as the GOP's next Lt. Governor. Dive into this episode to see what all the nonsense is about.  You won't want to miss it.  

What is Jesus, Sex and Politics?

In this show Pastors Micah Beckwith and Nathan Peternel discuss all the topics surrounding our culture that scare you and that you're not allowed to talk about at the Thanksgiving dinner table. With a deep understanding of Scripture, American history, and current events, Micah and Nathan (along with an occasional guest or two) don't shy away from tackling all the politically incorrect topics you're probably already thinking about anyway.