Let's Talk About Poop

This week Dr. Islam checks in a few topics that have been in the news, including the recent cancer diagnosis of NFL Hall of Famer Randy Moss (2:26). He also dives into the lengthy health scare of Hollywood actor Jamie Foxx (7:34). 

He also discusses a few GI topics including esophagitis (13:01), natural ways to improve your digestion (26:21), and he debunks common acid reflux myths (33:12). 

Let's Talk About Poop!

Website: https://lubbockgastro.com
YouTube: @SameerIslamMD
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sameerislammd
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sameerislammd
X: @SameerIslamMD
Office: 806-696-4440

What is Let's Talk About Poop?

Take a journey through the bowels of your GI tract with Dr. Sameer Islam! Based out of Lubbock, Texas and trained at the Mayo Clinic, Dr. Islam provides insights and answers to the problems his patients see on a daily basis.