PedPod by EX-PED-LAB

Welcome to the 6th episode of PedPod by EX-PED-LAB. In this episode, I spoke with Hege Fimreite, an Associate Professor at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences and the leader of the EX-PED-LAB project. For her PhD, she worked on a project titled "Kollegarettleiing og endring av den kollektive kunnskapen i barnehagen" (peer guidance and changes in the collective knowledge in the kindergarten).

In this episode, Hege used the metaphor of a wave to explain her thoughts on pedagogical innovations: 

"I see this concept of pedagogical innovation as this is like a wave. I know you and the one ocean, but it's like a wave. It's a dynamic wave. It's
a fluid concept i think and i think the concept themselves um invites to reflect and to new reflection and creative thinking because it gives this room for dynamic actions I think it allows you to try something new and i think we need this mandate to do something. It's about this bravery, and willingness, and it opens up. I think that it's about adapting different contexts and groups so we can develop our professional practices. And in my opinion, so now I'm here and I can share my personal opinions as well. We are not a professional learning community if we are not able to think innovatively."

Click on this link to listen to the podcast! :)

What is PedPod by EX-PED-LAB?

The PedPod by EX-PED-LAB podcast hopes to be a vessel for research dissemination, research translation, and a method to co-construct and explore understandings of pedagogical innovations in the field of early childhood education and care. Guests in this podcast are some of the leading researchers in the field of early childhood education and care in different parts of the world.