Baywatch Rookie School

S2 E21: A Game Of Change. It's another gambling episode, so we have our resident gambling expert back. John Gilbert! If anyone wants to start HubHub, let us know. We've got all the hot pictures of car feet (wheels). We also learn that the lifeguard union sucks and you still have to work on your day off. Lifeguards, sieze the means of production!!

Show Notes

S2 E21: A Game Of Change. It's another gambling episode, so we have our resident gambling expert back. John Gilbert!
If anyone wants to start HubHub, let us know. We've got all the hot pictures of car feet (wheels)
We also learn that the lifeguard union sucks and you still have to work on your day off. Lifeguards, seize the means of production!!

John's Rating: 5
Morgan's Rating: 6
Michael's Rating: 5

Episode discussion starts @19:31. Post-episode discussion starts @01:35:57.

Assorted show notes:

@16:24 The image Morgan is referring to.

@45:45 Here is the first horrible image (that Michael sent to Morgan) that Morgan posts

@46:27 This is the second image

@47:27 And the last horrible Cool Cat image

@1:23:18 A look at future Vito courtesy of John

@1:34:15 A very dated picture


Art by Katie Rose @kilogramrose

What is Baywatch Rookie School?

A podcast where 2 men—who have never watched Baywatch before—try and watch Baywatch!