Business in the Kingdom

Mike Sharrow is the president and CEO of C12 which serves a network of about 3,000 Christian CEOs, executives and entrepreneurs. On this episode of Business in the Kingdom, Mike talks to Jerry about the importance of working in the marketplace as a tool for advancing the Kingdom of God, and how too often the Church has unconsciously sent the message that business is a lower form of service to God than church or non-profit ministry work.

Show Notes

Mike Sharrow is the president and CEO of C12 which serves a network of about 3,000 Christian CEOs, executives and entrepreneurs. On this episode of Business in the Kingdom, Mike talks to Jerry about the importance of working in the marketplace as a tool for advancing the Kingdom of God, and how too often the Church has unconsciously sent the message that business is a lower form of service to God than church or non-profit ministry work.

What is Business in the Kingdom?

Every part of life is, or at least should be, in the Kingdom of God. As the great theologian Abraham Kuyper once said, "There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, 'Mine!'" Business, finance and economics are every bit as much part of the Kingdom as churches and ministries. And Jerry Bowyer believes that, in our day, the marketplace will be key to revival, reformation and renewal. Hear him discuss these essential issues on "Business in the Kingdom."