The Faith Filled Entrepreneur

In this episode, we dive into the very real battle with the enemy. 

I can’t help but think that so many problems in our society today - even problems that we’ve normalized are actually strategies of the devil - and just like in my language example, if we fought those problems with spiritual weapons, we’d have a lot better shot than we do when we try to fight them with earthly weapons.

So let’s talk about these strategies. We know that Satan is the Father of Lies - so his number 1 strategy is to lie to you. What does he lie to you about.

  1. Who God is.
  2. Who you are to God.
  3. Who you are as a person.
Show links:
Prepared for Breakthrough 

What is The Faith Filled Entrepreneur?

If you are a business owner and you love Jesus, you've come to the right place! Are you needing business strategies to grow your business? Are you wanting to lean on your faith in the process? Are you wanting to build confidence in taking next steps? You will get all of that and more in this podcast!