Performance Delivered

Are you tapping into the full potential of zero and first-party data?
Zero and first-party data are eclipsing third-party data…
When brands use this data strategically, they can drive more sales and acquire more customers because they know exactly who they’re selling to.
But a majority of brands are missing out on this opportunity—are you one of them?
Sean Simon, founder of Cogent, is here to break down how brands can use zero and first-party data to drive performance in media and e-commerce.
We’ll cover:
  • What happens when third-party data disappears
  • The difference between zero and first-party data
  • How brands can capture first-party data in a privacy compliant way
  • Why brands shouldn’t outsource their first-party data
  • Untapped resources for zero-party data
  • And more

What is Performance Delivered?

Insider Secrets for Digitial Marketing Success