Mental Status

Come smash the patriarchy and find abundance with Meg & Dr. Desiree Howell.

Show Notes

About Today's Show:

In this week's episode of Mental Status, I sat down with Dr. Desiree Howell to talk all about how she went from scraping by, burnt out & stressed out (even at a job she loved!) to working with purpose and abundance. Dr. Desiree explores how she came to understand the exploitative systems surrounding the mental health field, and she talks about her decision to step out of the system & use her privilege to help uplift women while shoving toxic, patriarchal, sexist systems in the trash. Dr. Desiree also talks about the mindset shifts she needed to make in order to heal from burnout & move into a role that felt more aligned with her passion & purpose as a psychologist.

About Today's Guest:
Licensed counseling psychologist, Dr. Desiree S. Howell, provides online  individual therapy to couples and burned out high-achieving women ready to heal, transform, and prosper!  She empowers stressed-out women throughout Pennsylvania and Florida to understand and honor their unique needs so they can design a life of abundance, liberation, and alignment!

From Dr. Desiree: "Burnout is a systemic problem and impacts certain populations differently. The status quo wasn't designed to uphold everyone creating a life of alignment. Me being a "good citizen" and doing everything society said for the American Dream led to my burnout (even when I had boundaries, social support, and self-care strategies). So, it's not your fault and you can do "everything right" and still feel unhappy and unfulfilled."

Find Dr. Desiree on Instagram @dr.desireespring and on her website at 

Books Mentioned in this Episode:
Do Less by Kate Northrup
Super Attractor by Gabrielle Bernstein
We Should All be Millionaires by Rachel Rodgers

Credits, links & other things:

Disclaimer, y'all: This is a podcast meant for education and entertainment purposes only. I'm not your therapist. This podcast doesn't replace therapy or clinical supervision and isn't supposed to replace those things. If you need a therapist or supervisor, please find one. My opinions are my own and don't reflect the opinion(s) of my past/present/future employers.

What is Mental Status?

Fatigued. Anxious. Irritable. Depressed. How are you actually doing?

Welcome to Mental Status, a podcast made for burnt-out therapists looking to reignite their life beyond the chair. Each episode, your host Meg explores the ins, outs, ups and downs of being a professional helper in the modern age, and ways to help the most important person of all—yourself.