
Bucket lists are tricky. They can help explore dreams and desires to fulfill in a lifetime. They can also become a list of to-dos before death, shaping expectations about the future. We talk about these lists in the face of limited time, and celebrate the journey of becoming.

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  1. Reiner, R. (2007). The Bucket List [Film]. Warner Bros. Zadan/Meron Productions. Two Ton Films. Castle Rock Entertainment. Storyline Entertainment.
  2. Ferguson, Melanie. “The Case For Bucket Lists: Busting Myths and Changing Mindsets” [Blog Post]. January 4, 2024.
  3. Ufuoma, Jessica. “How Ditching My Bucket List Has Helped Me Travel More” [Blog Post]. November 17, 2017.
  4. Ware, Bronnie. (2011) The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departed.” BalboaPress. Bloomington, IN.
  5. Nouwen, Henri J.M. (1992) The Return Of The Prodigal Son, A Story of Homecoming. Doubleday. New York, NY.
Hosted by Trudy Callaghan and Lisa Austin
Produced by Odvod Media.
Audio Engineering by Steve Glen.
Original music by Darrin Hagen. 

What is CroneCast?

Are you crone curious? Are you an older, wise woman with bewilderingly accurate intuition? Revel in the wisdom, experience and intuition older women offer the world. Trudy Callaghan and Lisa Austin explore the gifts and challenges of being in the second half (third trimester?) of life.