2 Tools Baseball Podcast

This week on the pod, Alex and Travis highlight the star-crossed battle for SoCal in the National League between the Dodgers and the Padres. Plus, a deep dive into some of the most dominant pitchers, a follow up on how our Vegas bets are looking a few weeks into the season, and much more!

Show Notes

Join the 2 Tools as they talk about the hot storylines three full weeks into the MLB season! The Dodgers and Padres put on another show this weekend as they battle for dominance in the baseball world. Meanwhile, many rising stars and familiar faces are taking the league by storm by putting up some incredible individual stat lines. Come along for the ride as Alex and Travis dive into all of this and more!

What is 2 Tools Baseball Podcast?

Stats nerds and high school jocks, welcome to the 2 Tools Baseball podcast, a show that is designed to walk you through some fresh perspectives on Major League Baseball. Hosted by the numbers guy, Alex, and the lifetime ball player, Travis, the 2 Tools Baseball Podcast aims to tackle weekly hot topics from unique and often contrasting viewpoints throughout the MLB season. We'd appreciate it if you came along for this wild ride. Cheers!