Waffles and Mates Talk About Things

This week Waffles and Mario rob a bank for the sheer experience. Come listen as they talk to the various hostages and tellers that make robberies like this possible.

Show Notes

This week Waffles and Mario rob a bank for the sheer experience. Come listen as they talk to the various hostages and tellers that make robberies like this possible. Also, friendly disclaimer; crimes are illegal. Don't do them. I'm not going down because you thought our improvised bullshit was somehow coercing you into performing a criminal act. The fact that these kind of disclaimers have to exist makes me mad. Mad enough to murder. Yeah I said it!

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What is Waffles and Mates Talk About Things?

Some podcasts like to be well-researched; We prefer to hit record, see what happens and if you don't laugh you will absolutely certainly always [not] get a full refund.