On Marketing

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I can't believe Season 3 is here. 

I'd laugh if you told me when I recorded my first episode on February 16, 2022 (w/ Nick Gedda) that I'd still be going.

But here we are. Episode 1 begins with a local Green Bay marketer, Matt Froehlich.

I think there are two ingredients to good marketing guidance:
  1. No BS (call a spade a s"ade)
  2. From a practitioner (someone who's "done it")
Matt checks both boxes. 

Here's one takeaway I hope you get: Document your ideas and find channels (podcasts) to share them.

For people and companies.

Matt's LinkedIn

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// Disclaimer // 
Opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the host and guests and do not represent their employers or associated organizations. This content is intended for informational purposes and should not be considered professional marketing guidance. Listeners act on the information provided at their own risk.

What is On Marketing?

What is marketing?

Have you ever had that thought before? No? Well, I have. Quite a bit, weirdly.

Oh, hey there, I'm Jordan 👋. I'm a man from Wisconsin on a Frodo-like journey to discover what marketing is. Like, really is.

Not the fluff. Or the hype tactics. The real stuff.

Strategy. Processes. First principles. The things that ACTUALLY help a company grow and win.

Everything I wish I had learned when I started five years ago. I hope to shorten that learning curve for you.

Some questions I explore on this show with my guests:
- What is the job marketing should get done in a company?
- What is one of your strongest held beliefs about marketing?
- What is something you believe that few other marketers believe?

This podcast is for me to learn from some of the best thinkers on this planet, and hopefully, you can pick up some wisdom too.

Join me on this journey to learn.