Cueer: An LGBTQA Live Entertainment Discussion

Hi everyone! Paul Tazewell joins us in our continuation of BLM/Pride Month special! Today's episode we reflect on Paul's experience throughout his professional and academic career while also talking about diversity in theatre and bending normal storytelling to enrich the culture of black and people of color.

Show Notes

Hi everyone! Paul Tazewell joins us in our continuation of BLM/Pride Month special! Today's episode we reflect on Paul's experience throughout his professional and academic career while also talking about diversity in theatre and bending normal storytelling to enrich the culture of black and people of color. 

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Cueer: @Cueerpod Tweet about the show using #CueerPod
Maegan: @maeganwilson_
Phil: @PhilVilar
Music by Andrea Allmund:

What is Cueer: An LGBTQA Live Entertainment Discussion?

Cueer is a discussion podcast focusing on LGBTQA issues within the live entertainment industry. Maegan and Phil answers questions provide resources and share experiences being queer in entertainment.