Murder & Mediumship

They say that dreams can be whisperings from the other side, that we can learn more about our own inner selves from our dreams, and some may even say that they can leave their body to explore far off lands all while they sleep. In this episode, Dream Interpreter and Psychic Medium, Ricardo Paes breaks down the confusing world of dreams for us.

Show Notes

They say that dreams can be whisperings from the other side, that we can learn more about our own inner selves from our dreams, and some may even say that they can leave their body to explore far off lands all while they sleep. In this episode, Dream Interpreter and Psychic Medium, Ricardo Paes breaks down the confusing world of dreams for us.

Where Can you find Ricardo?
Instagram: Ric4Art
Services: Ricardo Paes

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What is Murder & Mediumship?

Murder & Mediumship is true crime meets intuition. Host & Psychic Medium, Kathryn, turns over missing people and murder cases as most true crime podcasts do - but then connects as a psychic medium to the events as well as the spirit world to dissect the evidence & to discover the unknown.