What does it take to deliver ethical housing in a profit driven market? In this episode I chat to Jeremy McLeod co-founder of Nightingale Housing.

Show Notes

In 2014 Jeremy McLeod and the team at Breathe Architecture completed an innovative, ethical, self-driven apartment development called The Commons. Despite selling very well and winning a number of awards, it did little to shift the market in a more ethical direction.

This led Jeremy and his partner Tam to start Nightingale Housing in 2016—a not for profit that produces financially, socially and environmentally sustainable housing at-cost. Since then Nightingale has completed four buildings with another 12 on the on the way. In this episode of the podcast Jeremy and I delve into how and why Nightingale has evolved over its journey, the design principles the company sees as critical for its work, and how to ensure that every architectural project can have an impact through implementing a few fundamental principles of sustainability that just make sense.

What is MAKE GOOD?

Conversations with Australian artists, designers and entrepreneurs that examines how they use design to shift behaviour and thinking for the better.