The Transition by Bunker Labs

Today on the Transition, I’m joined by fellow Marine and Bunker Labs Ambassador Brand Childers, Founder of Freelance Corporal, an App whose aim is to help military service improve their financial literacy, combing a budget calculator with their EAS countdown, projecting how much savings a service member could get out of the military with. After serving in the Marines, Brand began pursuing his education in Psychology, with an emphasis on the veteran community. After recognizing that financial distress was a leading indicator for homeless and mental health issues, Brand decided to focus his attention on financial literacy. Despite not having a strong technical background, Brandon began engaging the veteran entrepreneurial ecosystem, joining organizations like Bunker Labs, and attending the MilVet Startup Conference, to figure out the best way to bring his app to market. On the show not only do we discuss Brandon’s startup Journey, including launching his MVP, we discuss the importance of creating a more inclusive ecosystem to attract more enlisted service men and women, who often feel left out. 

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Order my book, “Black Veteran Entrepreneur” here:

Purchase Chris’s book here:

Learning more about Freelance Corporal here:

What is The Transition by Bunker Labs?

We demystify the entrepreneurial journey for veterans and military spouses in the Bunker Labs community.