Movin’ with Mel and Marm

There comes a point in time in the course of homeownership that you realize its not all rainbows and butterflies. You’ll know when this point comes. But will you know what to do when **** hits the fan?! Marmie and Melissa recall stories of homeownership disasters and how to handle specific scenarios when they arise. 

  • We find out that Melissa is a bit of a ‘prepper’
  • The story of a 23 year old girl, standing in front of a water heater, trying to make it stop leaking
  • Important changes to insurance deductibles

What is Movin’ with Mel and Marm?

Co-hosts, Melissa Touris and Marmie Leech, are REALTORS® in Dallas, TX with a passion to educate and inform - all while having a great time! Join us for a bi-weekly conversation of real estate tips, current events, and entertaining escapades.