
In this conversation, Warren and Jason explore the concept of the unknown in various aspects of life, including personal experiences, faith, relationships, and decision-making. They discuss how the unknown can evoke fear but also excitement and opportunity. The dialogue emphasizes the importance of embracing the unknown, trusting in God, and recognizing that the unknown can lead to personal growth and deeper relationships. They reflect on their own journeys and how they navigate uncertainties in life, ultimately concluding that living in the present and being open to new experiences is key to overcoming the fear of the unknown.

  • The unknown can evoke both fear and excitement.
  • Embracing the unknown can lead to personal growth.
  • Trusting in God helps navigate the unknown.
  • Relationships often thrive in the unknown.
  • The unknown is full of opportunities for new experiences.
  • Living in the present is crucial when facing the unknown.
  • False knowns can hinder our ability to embrace the unknown.
  • The unknown can lead to deeper connections with others.
  • Being open to change is essential in navigating the unknown.
  • The unknown can be a source of adventure and discovery.

What is church?

We are real people with real problems who really love God.

The word "church" refers to the body of Christ, the people who accept Jesus as their Savior and follow His teachings. Join friends, Warren Brown & Jason Fowler, as they dive into a wide range of topics, such as faith, family, finances, race, culture, hobbies and habits, all from the perspective of believers in Jesus. If you enjoy diving deep, gaining knowledge, discovering more about yourself or want to learn more about how Jesus's love can change your life, we would love for you to join us on this journey.