The ATC Doublecut with Micah Woods

I explain how I like to use growth potential for planning, and then how I adjust based on measurements looking backward. This is also a year end miscellany, because I discuss five more ATC blog posts, including the top 10 posts of the year.

Show Notes

These posts were discussed in this episode:

Creators & Guests

Micah Woods
I'm chief scientist at the Asian Turfgrass Center and director of the @paceturf information service. Some current projects include #OM246, #ClipVol, and #MLSN.

What is The ATC Doublecut with Micah Woods?

I discuss ATC blog posts, with supplementary information, stories, and the reasons why I thought the topic was worth writing about, and worth reading about. Thus, a doublecut of these topics. This covers grass selection, playability, and all the work done to create a certain type of turfgrass surface.